
Francesco Salviati

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Francesco Salviati (1510 Florence-1563 Rome), whose real name was Francesco de' Rossi, learned his craft in Florence, First from Guiliano Bugiardini and Baccio Bandinelli, and then from around 1529 with Andrea del Sarto. From 1531 he worked in Rome for Cardinal Salviati, whose name the painter took on. From 1544 to 1548 he resided in Florence, where he decorated the Sala dell'Odienza in the Palazzo Vecchio, among others, with frescoes. Afterward he returned to Rome and remained there for the rest of his life, aside from one sojourn in France in 1554/55. Salviati was highly esteemed in Rome. He was a member of the Accademia di San Luca and Accepted into the Virtuosi al Pantheon, an elite group recognized as experts in ancient artwork. He was one of the important representatives of Florentine-Roman Mannerism. His diverse oeuvre includes frescoes, altarpieces and portraits, as well as designs for carpets, triumphal and stage de coratons. Other important works by the artist include The Visitation, fresco,c. 1538, Oratorium, San Giovanni Decollato, Rome and Scenes from the Life of David, Fresco, 15553/54, Palazzo Sacchetti, Rome.

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