
Antonello da Messina

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Antonello da Messina (c. 1430 Messina-1479 Messina) lived and worked mainly in Sicily. He studied painting both there and in Naples, where he was living around 1450. A second journey from 1474 to about 1476 took him to Venice and Milan. Antonello's works are influenced primarily by Dutch art and the works of Piero della Francesca. Even in his early work, he had the ability to combine a realistic depiction of the smallest detail with a pronounced sense of space. Through this vivid style he constructed an artistic language increasingly based on geometric forms and strict perspective. His greatest achievement was introducing the new technique of painting with oils from the north into Italian art. Works by the artist include St. Jerome in his Studio, c. 1474, Museo Regionale, Messina; and Virgin and Child and Saints (Pala di San Cassiano), 1475/76, Kunsthistorishes Museum, Vienna.

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