
Andrea Mantegna

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Andrea Mantegna (1431 isola di Cartura, near Padua-1506 Mantua) is one of the most influential artists of the early Renaissance. In 1441 he entered an apprenticeship with Francesco Squaricione, who introduced him to the art of clasical antiquity. The sculptures of Donatello (1386-1466), as well as the paintings of Andrea del Castagno and Jacopo Belloni, had a decisive impact on Mantegna. Becoming independent in 1448, he soon became a well known painter and was called to the Gonzaga court in Mantua in 1460. Mantegna's work is distinguished by the anatomical correctnesss of the figures, the precise draftmanship of details, and the virtuosity of his prespective. These innovations in particular influenced his brother-in-law, Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, and were carried north of the Alps through his highy publicized copper engravings. Some of his works are the Jacob Cycle, c. 1457, Cappella Ovetari, Padua; Christ on Mt. Olive, c. 1460, The National Gallery, London; and The Triumph of Julius Caesar, 1480, Hampton Court Palace, London.

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