
Lorenzo Lotto

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Lorenzo Lotto (c. 1480 Venice-1556 Loreto), Who is first mentined in historical documents in 1503, is and important intermediary between the old Venetian masters and the later Baroque art of northern Italy. His many journeys took him to Trevino, Recanati, Bergamo, Venice, and Anocona. Lotto was one of the most sensitive and self-willed artists of his time period. At first he drew inspirations from the paintings of Giovanni Bellini and Antonello da Messina, and later from works by Giorgione, Titian, and Raphael. In the course of his career he developed his own understanding of the precise depiction of cloth and the way figures move, and unusual coloration, and an exaggerated drama and expressiveness. His works include Portrait of a Youth before a White Cloth, c. 1506, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; Polyptych with Saint Dominic, c. 1507, Pinaloteca Comunale, Recanati; and The Sculptor Andrea Odone, c. 1527, Hampton Court Palace, London.

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