
Giovanni Bellini

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Also Called Giambellino, was the younger brother of Gentile Bellini is counted amoung the best known Venitian painters. He was trained at first, with his father and then with his brother-in-law, Andrea Mantegna, in Padua. He worked chiefly in his native city, where he had his own workshop. In 1479 he took over his brother's work on the Doge's Palace. In 1483, he was named the city's official painter. Taking as his point of departure the works of Mantegna and the elements of the Dutch art that were introduced into Venetian art by Antonello da Messina, Bellini developed an individualized use of lighting and the natural atmosphere. His paintings are composed of glowing, warm colours, and he uses stylistic devices in such a way that shapes, figures and space combine to create a distinctive mood. His best known students include Titian and Lorenzo Lotto. Major Works by the artist include The Transfiguration of Chist, c. 1460, Museo Correr, Venice; portrait of Jorg Fugger,1474, galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Florence: and St Chrisopher, St Jerome and St Augustine, 1513 San Giovanni Crisostomo, Venice

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