
Alesso Baldovinetti

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Alesso Baldovinetti (c. 1425 Florence-1499 Florence) was one of the most important representatives of the early Renaissance in his native city. His models were his teacher, Domenico Veneziano, as well as Fra Angelico, Andrea del Castagno and Piero della Francesca, and he combined various elements of their artwork with great skill. In addition to designing glasswork, mosaics and inlaid work, he received commissions for altarpieces and wall decorations in Churches. In later years, he took over supervision of the restoration work on the 13th century mosaics in the Baptistery in Florence. Artists of Succeeding generations such as Domenico Ghirlandaio, Antonio del pallaiuolo and Andrea del Verrochio were inspired by his art. Baldovinetti's works include The Adoration of the Shepherds, c. 1461, ss. Annunziata, Forence; Virging and Child, Musee du Louvre, Paris; and The Trinity with Two Saints, 1470/71, Galleria dell' Accademia, Florence.

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