
Cristofano Allori

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Cristofano Allori, born in Florence was the son of Alessandro Allori. He became familiar with the art of his great uncle Agnolo Bronzino, through painting lessons with his father. The influence of Gregorio Pagani was also important for the artist's development. It was Pagani who brought Allori into contact with the Bolognese School and helped him overcome the cool rigidity of late mannerism. Allori combined stylistic elements of Ludovico Cardi Cigoli, Santa di Tito and especially Correggio with intense study of live models and nature. He achieved great fame both with his portraits and his dramatic works on biblical and mythological subjects. His famous works include John the Baptist, c. 1612, Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Florence; Isabella of Aragon Kneeling before Charles VIII, Museo du Louvre, Paris and Christ in the House of Emmaus, c. 1610, Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Florence.

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